Podcast: Risk, sustainability and public policy

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As part of the Insitute of Public Administration (IPAA) Victoria’s sustainability and climate change series, they explore risk, sustainability and public policy with Jonathan Masom, VMIA, and Lynette Smith, gramma consultancy.
In partnership with IPAA Victoria’s Sustainability Community of Practice (CoP), the Sustainability and Climate Change series looks at how professionals in the public purpose sector can make decisions, design policy and implement programs that get us to the goal of sustainability. Throughout the series, IPAA Victoria talks with experts and practitioners about finance, budget bids and business cases, risk, procurement and infrastructure—all of it through the lens of sustainability.
In the first episode, Jonathon Masom, Manager for Client Capability, Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA) and Lynette Smith, gramma consultancy, unpack the ISO definition of risk: the effect of uncertainty and objectives. Without a clear and definite objective, it’s not possible to assess risks, let alone develop good public policy.
In the second episode Lynette and Jonathon look at how you can come up with well-articulated objectives that, if achieved, can get us closer to being a sustainable, well-adapted society. They also review some techniques for reducing uncertainty about the future that can be applied at any scale.