IPAA to commemorate 40 years of service to members

The Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd)
On 1 January 2020, the Institute of Public Administration Australia quietly reached a historic milestone — its 40th Anniversary as an independent national organisation.
This milestone will be celebrated on 18 February 2020 at the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House. The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) will deliver an address before will launch a book to mark the occasion — ‘A History of the Institute of Public Administration Australia, 1980–2020’ — with IPAA National President Dr Gordon de Brouwer PSM FIPAA.
Presidents and representatives of the eight IPAA Divisions — as well as senior public sector leaders from Australian and state and territory governments, leading public administration academics, and others with an interest in public administration — will attend the commemorative event.
IPAA’s past…
Prior to 1 January 1980, the Institute’s State and Territory Divisions had been regional groups of the Royal Institute of Public Administration in London. A plebiscite of Australian regional group members was held in 1977 to explore the possibility of revising constitutional arrangements linking the regional groups to the parent body. In response, a clear majority of members voted in favour of a proposal to form an autonomous Australian Institute of Public Administration.
A constitution for a National Council was ratified in 1979 and as the New Year was seen in, ties were cut with the Royal Institute of Public Administration. From 1 January 1980, the Australian regional groups came together as the Australian Institute of Public Administration under the leadership of National President and Commonwealth Auditor-General Duncan R Steele Craik CB OBE.
It took some years and considerable debate before the Institute finally settled on the name by which it is now known — the Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA). Previously it had been variously known as the Australian Institute of Public Administration (AIPA), the Royal Australian Institute of Public Administration (RAIPA), and the Royal Institute of Public Administration Australia (RIPAA).
…and the year ahead
For 40 years IPAA has promoted the highest standards of excellence in government and is proud to provide its members with a national perspective on public administration through the quarterly publication of the Australian Journal of Public Administration and by hosting an annual national conference which includes one of IPAA’s richest and most public contributions to discussion and debate on public administration — the Garran Oration.
Under the leadership of Gordon de Brouwer, the 15th National President, IPAA will continue its tradition of providing members with public sector thought leadership and strengthening the capacity of public servants through events, training and other activities.
The premier event for 2020 will be the IPAAeX National Conference hosted by IPAA NSW on 12 May 2020. IPAAeX will debate the big issues around the theme of ‘Reinventing Service’ with a program of inspiring TED-style presentations, thought provoking conversations and an interactive IPAAeX hub to bring delegates face-to-face with the IPAAeX speakers.