Greg Hunt to deliver the 2020 Garran Oration

The Hon Greg Hunt MP, Minister for Health and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Public Service and Cabinet, will deliver the 2020 Garran Oration.
The Hon Greg Hunt MP, Minister for Health and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Public Service and Cabinet, will deliver the 2020 Garran Oration.
The oration will be streamed on 21 October 2020, from 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm (AEDT).
The event will be chaired by IPAA’s National President, Dr Gordon de Brouwer PSM.
The Garran Oration honours the memory of the first, and one of the most prominent Australian Commonwealth public servants, Sir Robert Garran GCMG. It has been held every year since 1959.
Sir Robert was one of the country’s most senior public servants during the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1919, serving as Secretary of the Attorney-General’s Department.
Over the course of 1919 up to 40 per cent of Australians population had been infected by the Spanish flu and an estimated 15,000 Australians lost their lives, with some Aboriginal communities recording a mortality rate of 50 per cent.
Reflecting on the role of public administration in responding to the challenges brought by pandemics, Dr de Brouwer said:
“In a year when Australia’s society and economy have been so heavily hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is a real privilege to host the Health Minister the Hon Greg Hunt as the 2020 Garran Orator.
It is a year where the role of public services in supporting the work of governments across Australia has never been clearer.”
Following his delivery of the Garran Oration, Minister Hunt will join Dr de Brouwer in conversation, reflecting on the response and achievements of governments and public services in managing the twin social and economic crises brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Some questions from IPAA Divisions across Australia will also be put to the Minister.

Dr Gordon de Brouwer PSM, IPAA’s National President, will chair the 2020 Garran Oration and join Minister Hunt in conversation.
Immediately following a Vote of Thanks by Cath Ingram to the Minister, Dr de Brouwer will announce the 2020 National Fellows of the Institute of Public Administration Australia.
The award of National Fellow is given to those individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to public service and to IPAA. National Fellows have been awarded each year since 1983.
Further information on the Garran Oration and the National Fellows Award is available on IPAA’s national website.