and Media

Read the speeches and opinion pieces of former national presidents Gordon De Brouwer, Peter Shergold and Terry Moran.

National President:
Speeches, Addresses and Opinion Pieces

Gordon de Brouwer | Opinion: ‘Getting on with Public Sector Reform’ (18 March 2020)

Peter Shergold | National President’s Address (25 September 2019)

Peter Shergold | Address: ‘Australia’s Public Sector: Fit for Purpose? (17 October 2018)

Peter Shergold | Opinion: ‘Public service review can spur much-needed modernisation’ (24 May 2018) 

Terry Moran | Address: ‘Sir Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop Lecture: Our Democracy and its Problems’ (9 December 2014)

Terry Moran | Speech: ‘Launch of The Mandarin’ (2 September 2014)

Terry Moran | Speech: ‘Launch of Melbourne School of Government’ (20 November 2012)