The 2019


Darwin, 25–27 September 2019

Ms Bilawara Lee, a Larrakia Elder, welcomed conference delegates to saltwater country before a performance by One Mob Different Country Dance Group.

Mr Craig Allen, IPAA Northern Territory President, gave the official welcome and then out-going National President, Professor Peter Shergold AC, spoke of his disquiet with democratic governance being under threat in his National President’s address.

The quietly-spoken Professor Mick Dodson — Northern Territory Treaty Commissioner — delivered the 2019 Garran Oration to a rapt audience and received the loudest and most sustained applause from conference delegates.

Professor Anne Teirnan — Dean (Engagement) at Griffith University — delivered a keynote address on the theme Public Sector Service Delivery: New paradigm, or déjà vu all over again? which led into a panel discussion on the challenges and expectations for public sector place-based service delivery.

Following the lunch break, Mr Alexander Lau — Principal Design Lead, Innovation Lab, Singapore Government — delivered an inspiring keynote address, providing a global perspective on how to adopt innovation in the public sector.  His address is available for viewing below; his slides are also available.

Ms Rachel Houlbrooke — Deputy Chief Executive, Settlements and Takutai Moana, Office for Māori Crown Relations, Te Arawhiti, New Zealand — gave a considered keynote address on different models of public service delivery.

An engaging panel discussion on ‘Doing More with Less’ rounded out the afternoon before Ms Madeleine Culbert — CEO IPAA NSW — announced that the 2020 IPAA National Conference, IPAAeX | Reinventing Service, would be held in Parramatta on 12 May 2020.

Mr Craig Allen, IPAA Northern Territory President closed the conference, thanking all those who attended from across Australia’s public sector.

Two workshops were held the following day:

  • How do we innovate in a complex Public Sector environment? with Alexander Lau (Principal Design Lead, Innovation Lab, Singapore Government)
  • Why is well-coordinated multi-agency service delivery to remote communities so difficult? How can we break free? with Jim Rogers (Regional Executive Director, Department of Chief Minister, Northern Territory Government).


A virtual issue of the Australian Journal of Public Administration

The Australian Journal of Public Administration is the journal of record for public administration, public management and public policy in Australia.

This themed virtual issue is freely available and includes some key articles from the journal’s back catalogue such as:

Many more articles relevant to the themes of the 2019 IPAA National Conference are available in the Crossroads: Future Direction issue.

